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Friday, June 26, 2009

Swine Flu: Update

I was thinking that I was over reacting this morning...and then the Dr. announces to me "We are going to treat you for Swine Flu." The one time in my life that all my paranoia is going to pay off. They caught it early enough that I hopefully won't feel any sicker than I do right now...which by the way is not very sick. If this flu hadn't have been going around, I would have totally gone to work feeling this way.

My symptoms:

  • scratchy throat
  • cough
  • hold/cold flashes
  • little bit of congestion
  • slight headache

Did you know that when adults go and get tested for the Swine Flu that only 30% of the results are actually accurate. People are being told that they don't have it, and they really do. That is what happened to my friend, and then when he went back a few days later...he was tested again, and was told he did indeed have the Swine Flu. Oh, and when you don't get in the early stages like I just have to let it run it's course. You can't take the medication at that point, because it won't help. Lovely huh?

The thing that I feel the worst about is that I went to an event last night, and mingled with a lot of you that are going to read this. I HAD NO IDEA THAT I HAD ANYTHING WRONG WITH ME! I would have NEVER come knowing that I was going to give you anything, but my love! I am truly sorry if any of you get it. I will owe you chicken noodle soup for a year, or should I make the person that gave it to me owe you and I both chicken noodle soup for a year!?

So, what is on the agenda for the weekend? I have been sentenced to my bedroom with the contact with the outside work, except for my blog, e-mail, and twitter. Not that I don't love blog stalking, and reading random twitter updates, I do...I just don't look forward to 72 hours straight of it.


brandon and jakell said...

:( I'm sorry feel better soon!!!

Rebecca said...

Oh man...I hope you feel better soon. Thanks for listing your symptoms, so we all will know when we catch Evonne flu. =)

Unknown said...

I feel sooooo bad Rebecca that we hung out last night. Please take your vitamins and what not, because I don't want anyone to get it that I was around...or I will feel so bad.

On a lighter note, when I say that I have the Swine Flu I just want to say "oink-oink"!

jayni & ben said...

I am sorry. That sucks. We went through that last week with my husband. IT SUCKED being inside all weekend :( Good luck and go rent some good movies!!

Unknown said...

Did your husband have the Swine Flu? Were they able to get it with meds before it became too unbearable?

Jerilee E. said...

Oh man... I am so sorry you're sick and confined to the house... but glad that you caught it soon! I hope you feel better soon!

Krystal said...

I'm so sorry you're sick! That is awful... Maybe I will have to update my blog again so you'll have something to read :) Get well soon!!!

Kristina P. said...

I have had similar symptoms, but pretty minor. I wonder if I have it? I've had headaches all week, and been sniffly, etc., but I've just chalked it up to allergies.

Richter's said...

Feel better soon..

Cranberryfries said...

Glad you were able to catch it early on. Hope you get to feelin better soon.

Amber! said...

Oh, Von, I am so sorry. Do you need dinner?

Hailee said...

Hope you get feeling better soon!! My bro, Jared had it last week and he was MISERABLE!!! He couldn't get out of bed for at least 3 days and then still didn't feel great after. His company also made him take 1 full week off work. It must be going around down there. Yuck!! Take care of yourself!! Oink..Oink!!

tlkcreations said...

Guess what? Kenz woke up with your symptoms this morning (Saturday) and I took her in and the DR. said it's probably just a cold but her gave her a prescription for the "pink stuff" and sent us on our way! I better NOT be sick on Monday or all **** will break loose! Love ya and hope you will feel better soon!

Unknown said...

I have loved getting all of your sweet comments. =) It sounds like everyone is getting is suppose to be the flu for winter too! Maybe the Dr was just trying to make me feel better, but she said that everyone is going to get it at one time or another.