Is there anyone out there who can explain the price of gasoline? Why do prices go up over $4.00/gallon, then fall to about $1.30/gallon, then double to $2.54/gallon? This all happened in less that a year.
I once heard that we (USA) had enough oil to last us the next 20 years or more. So, I did some research. I found out that we do have a supply of over 700 million barrels of oil. That sounded like a lot until I realized that would only last us about 33 days. I found out that the oil we have is currently under the ground in Alaska.
I don't know about you, but I don't understand why we aren't trying to get that oil. I know, conservationists will say we are ruining the wildlife and the land we have. I say that's true, but at what cost are we saving it? If I'm not mistaken, the Gulf War was basically about oil. We wanted it, the Middle East controls it. I'm guessing that the last war we were in (is it still going?), probably had something to do with oil too. Although, we were told it was about weapons of mass destruction (never found), that's a whole different topic. My point is, can't we work something out so that we can control flow of oil in America, as opposed to counting on others. Why not force the companies who drill for oil in Alaska to pay a sizable portion of what they make to rebuild wildlife elsewhere? There has to be a better way.
I often hear how it is our fault because we consume too much oil, that we drive gas guzzlers that fund terrorists. I believe it was GM, Chrysler, and Ford who got rich selling these vehicles to us, and who are now broke because we stopped buying them. Then, our government decides to use our tax dollars to bail them out. that confusing to anyone else? If you want us to use less oil, make it easier and cheaper for us. Why do Hybrids cost more than normal cars? A Hybrid Civic costs about $10,000 more than a normal Civic. That would take like 10 years to break even, no point in doing that!
I once heard that we (USA) had enough oil to last us the next 20 years or more. So, I did some research. I found out that we do have a supply of over 700 million barrels of oil. That sounded like a lot until I realized that would only last us about 33 days. I found out that the oil we have is currently under the ground in Alaska.
I don't know about you, but I don't understand why we aren't trying to get that oil. I know, conservationists will say we are ruining the wildlife and the land we have. I say that's true, but at what cost are we saving it? If I'm not mistaken, the Gulf War was basically about oil. We wanted it, the Middle East controls it. I'm guessing that the last war we were in (is it still going?), probably had something to do with oil too. Although, we were told it was about weapons of mass destruction (never found), that's a whole different topic. My point is, can't we work something out so that we can control flow of oil in America, as opposed to counting on others. Why not force the companies who drill for oil in Alaska to pay a sizable portion of what they make to rebuild wildlife elsewhere? There has to be a better way.
I often hear how it is our fault because we consume too much oil, that we drive gas guzzlers that fund terrorists. I believe it was GM, Chrysler, and Ford who got rich selling these vehicles to us, and who are now broke because we stopped buying them. Then, our government decides to use our tax dollars to bail them out. that confusing to anyone else? If you want us to use less oil, make it easier and cheaper for us. Why do Hybrids cost more than normal cars? A Hybrid Civic costs about $10,000 more than a normal Civic. That would take like 10 years to break even, no point in doing that!
What do you think America should do to solve the problem?
Let me know and you will be entered to win a $25 gas card to Flying J to help out on that summer vacation getaway.
If you are a follower, you get 5 extra entries!
(only one comment is necessary)
This giveaway will end June 28th at Midnight MST
I'm thinking about retiring and moving back to Panama. That would solve my problem but not America's. We're screwed.
AMEN BROTHER. I seriously hyperventilate when I have to think about this issue. It makes me mad about how we are getting ripped off! I think that they should make more affordable cars that don't take gas!
I think that the government should use the money that they are trying to bail gas guzzlers out with to promote hybrid technology and make all new cars hybrids that are affordable. It seems that it would pay off in the long run. If you are gonna spend a load of money anyway, you should do it for something worthwhile.
I am also a follower and would love to win this. Thanks for the opportunity.
My hubby is from Alaska and he and his dad hate the "tree huggers" as he calls them.
I'm all for protecting wildlife etc, but after having been to Alaska I think those people are over reacting.
Drilling for oil there would really have a minimal effect on the environment if any, and cost less because we would have a supply that comes from the US.
That's just my opinion though. no facts to back it up haha
I dont know about the drilling in Alaska to make a real smart choice but for years I have thought we should be doing more up there that we're doing now. It's just nicer to think that our country can do more to be self-sufficient instead of having to depend on others.
It really is so frusturating. I am all for using some of our resources in the US. I would love some gas money! :)
We bought a used CNG truck
(88 cents or less per gallon!!) last year and got a tax refund that pretty much paid for the truck!!
It's a funky yellow color but who cares for "free"!! But for the other two vehicle that we have it has been such a killer to finance "gasoline"-Have had to do a lot less road trips and visiting of family and friends because of the high gas prices!Hoping we can find a way to access "our own American gasoline" soon!!
Ya know I love me some Sell Party OF 3!!!!!!!Woot-woot!!
Ah.. this sounds like the feelings I express everytime I get gas these days. Alaska is huge. Drill the oil. Put money towards developing reliable gas alternatives instead of bailing out every company. blah! Oh... and I am a follower who is driving to Oregon next week and could use a little gas money :).
Seriously? I have no idea.
I try not to think about gas prices. Ugh.
I so hate filling up my car and when my debit card only allows $49 bucks per transaction that's where I draw the line...I will only get that much gas at one time! A gas card would be a blessing!
We really need to start looking at alternatives now I think or else our kids are really going to be in trouble. Maybe if we start now they will come up with something affordable for our kids =)
Hmm, I think we should look to having things solar-powered. Like wouldn't that be the coolest if our cars ran from solar-power, but then had a reserve of gas or whatever else to fuel when it's not sunny?!? Or they could continue on with water-fuel research for cars too. Or maybe we should all go Green and use restaurant oil and natural gas.
We really need to look for a way for everyone to drive a hybrid car and that they wouldn't cost so much to do so. So I need/want/would love to win this card. Thanks tons for the fun giveaways!!
I am sorry but there is no way I would give up driving an SUV. I think of they can make me a V-8 (hopefully my next white trash vehicle will be a v-10) that has as much horsepower as what I can get I will buy it. I think that your vehicle should be based on how far you drive everyday and what you can afford. If it better for you to drive a hybrid because you drive a crap load a day than you should spend the extra money.
And about the drilling, I am definately not a tree hugger and I saw we drill away. Not one person that is complianing about ruining the land will ever be able to see that places that they are going to be drillin!I would much rather depend on my country to get me my gas than shipping it across oceans. This is why they created the Alaskan pipeline. They knew this could help supply our country with gas!
And back to the hybrids, I am not going to feel bad for driving an SUV. People (tree huggers) give me crap all the time for having two of them. When I only drive 10 miles a day I really don't feel like I am doing too much damage.
Sorry Paul! This sunject and me dont really get along! I love your posts!
Don't Worry. Obama will take care of us. Once the government controls everything, then we will pay all of our incomes to the govt in the form of taxes and then they will just give us what we need.
Hey. it worked in Russia right?
As a country we need to become more self-sufficient. Hmmm... where have we heard that before? Become self-sufficient. Store food. Gather enough savings to take care of your family.
I think it's time we pay attention.
Going to the gas pump makes me sick...
I would so love to win this. Pick me pick me....
6 pak
Wow, thats alot to think about please somebody, anybody solve our oil probs.....
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