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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream 4 Ice Cream!

Since the sun hasn't come out in days, and it is the middle of freakin' June...I decided to cheer us all up with ice cream! Please tell me that you have all tried Cold Stone Creamery?! If not you MUST enter this giveaway. This is a create your own flavor place! Although they do have the Cold Stone Creations, which Paul and I always get the divine Strawberry Blonde...which includes strawberry ice cream, graham cracker pie crust, strawberries, caramel, and whipped topping...doesn't that sound good? If it doesn't then just be boring with chocolate icecream with gummy bears, which is exactly what I am craving right now!

Wanna win $20 to Cold Stone Creamery? Comment.

If you blog about it then I will give you 5 extra entries. =)

If you blog about the Mom's Who Make It Conference then I will give you 10 extra entries.

Oh, and if you sign up to go to the conference I will give you 15 extra entries...and I will love you forever!

Contest ends June 21st at Midnight MST.


The Fifes said...

i'm coming to visit utah end of june, so i have a chance to use this giveaway if i win! That would be pretty sweet. :)

dust and kam said...

Yum, yum, yum! I love coldstone!

Krystal said...

I am sitting here in class right now drooling on my laptop while thinking about cold stone... my favorite creation is the cookie doughn't you want some, but made with cake batter ice cream... oh my gosh! Yum...

Kristina P. said...

I literally just ate ice cream for lunch! Count me in!

Brian Franklin said...

MMmmm. Cold Stone. I'm a fan of making cherry amaretto ice cream with almonds when I go there.


Burkes said...

I LOVE Cold Stone!!! Let's go!!

Melanie said...

Hello! Love me some Cold Stone!

Shane said...

Sign me up for Cold Stone ice cream! who doesn't like Cold Stone?

-nick and whitley- said...

i blogged about it!

-nick and whitley- said...

also. i would LOVE to win.. lol i'm not sure how your multiple entries work.. lol do i need to write 5 times?? *red face*

Candice said...

Okay, I LOVE Coldstone!! My favorite treat is "Healthnut"

I think I may send Brent to get me one after we eat dinner.


throuthehaze said...

yum! i love coldstone!

Sam Jo said...

Gummy bears are the bomb in ice cream! If you pick me I will take Savanah to get ice cream and you and Paul can have some ALONE time! ; ) XOXO
Blogged it!
Check it!

Marty said...

i want it!

Cranberryfries said...

Awesome. I vote we go out for some ice cream bloggy love. :)

Hey I'm new to your blog, are you in charge of the Moms who Make it or just participating? What do you make??

Jeninator said...


Teresa Jordan said...

I'm always UP for Coldstone! It was nice to meet you on Saturday. What is the Mom's Who Make It Conference? Sounds fun...

Trapped and Screaming said...

Oooh, yes. I am so in. Cheesecake ice cream, here I come. .

Anonymous said...

Oooh, Cold Stone is good. I had my first taste a couple years ago, but haven't been back. I'd love to take my four year-old.

Anonymous said...

I want to win this!!!!!

6 pak

Vanessa said...


Richter's said...

GOT LOVE ICE CREAM!!! never been to cold stone, we have one but never get there.. That would be a great treat... I will blog about it, not today but tomorrow.. I am a HUGE ICE CREAM FAN.... Love it, gotta have it. Ice cream is my weakness.

Holly R said...

This is our family favorite. I would love to win.

Janet said...

Who doesn't love ice cream =)

Mostly Jessica said...

I love Cold Stone and I love the Cold Stone Birthday Club too!

Jerilee E. said...

ok... how did I miss this?? I seriously almost missed a giveaway. My hubby could live on Coldstone so this one's for him!!