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Sunday, June 7, 2009


Have you heard of the "Summer of Service" challenge?

Jyl from Mom it Forward is giving us all a new challenge every week.

This past week I took the challenge and it was...

Make Some Music & Make a Difference!

I loved this challenge, and quickly read through her 10 ideas.

Her #5 idea was share the gift of music with someone by sending them an iTunes gift card.

(ahem, done and done! Rebecca & Candice your iTunes gift cards are in the mail -k-)

singing is a cure all

These pictures were taken when Van and I were in the waiting room during Paul's surgery. We each took an ear piece, and sang our little hearts out to everyone that was waiting for their loved ones too!
Music is powerful.
Music makes me happy.
I am excited to take the new challenge this week.
Are you going to?


April JoAnne said...

aw I love it! I'll do my best :)

Jeninator said...

you are the cutest mom!

dust and kam said...

have i mentioned you guys are the best?

and that you are the best mom ever?

cause you are.

i love this.

Unknown said...

I love it and I am sure that it broke the stress in a waiting room full of stressed out people.