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Saturday, June 27, 2009

yeah, I look as bad as I feel!

Van and Paul have been avoiding me, and do you blame them? I slept on the couch, and thank goodness for my laptop to keep me company. I have got all caught up on my cooking shows, and I think that I only have 20 something posts left in my google reader. =) This definitely is not the weekend that I was hoping for, but I will make up for some lost time in the next couple of weeks with some getaways with just the 3 of us.


April JoAnne said...

:( I hope you start feeling better soon!!

Krystal said...

get some rest and hang in there... hopefully you will start to feel better soon.

Amber! said...

Ohhh, seriously, do you need dinner?

Kristina P. said...

I still haven't been feeling great, but not as sick as you! Feel better!

Tiffany said...

I hope you start feeling better soon!!!

Laura Marchant said...

Oh that does not look like fun.

Emily Christine said...

Are you going somewhere fun!??

Cranberryfries said...

Ugh. It's awful being sick.

Unknown said...

I am feeling 100% better tonight. The expensive meds are paying off! =)